
Ezer Service ltd provides pre-marriage counselling service for Christian single and couples. We use proactive strategy and biblical knowledge helping clients to secure the One.

Reasons to work with us

In Genesis, Eve was made helper to Adam, co-governing the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew word helper is Ezer, meaning strong rescuer. So woman ought to be strong aid to her One. Shockingly, that’s how we recognize the One. Its application goes to Christian dating. We advised sisters to marry their One only when they are sure they can give their life dedicating to the mission(s) of their own mates. And it is also important for brothers to know their own calling from God, especially what to do with their life. What track is he going? We not only know marriage theology but also work theology. The two theologies are related somehow. Thus, we make this applied knowledge be our unique value proposition to brothers and sisters in Christ. We are glad to serve you, with truth, but not gimmicks or techniques in dating. Our service is only for spiritual Christians who take Bible seriously.